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HomeNewsISWAP Forces Clash with Boko Haram, 35 Killed in Territorial Battle

ISWAP Forces Clash with Boko Haram, 35 Killed in Territorial Battle

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By: Zagazola Makama

Atleast 35 fighters of the Boko Haram Buduma terrorists faction were killed in a series of deadly clashes with the Islamic State of the West African Province group in the shores of Lake Chad.

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It was gathered that the ISWAP faction led by Mallam Akilu, a top ISWAP Commander, from Buluwa and Tamfala led over 70 fighters to attack Boko Haram positions in Habujan Ruwa.

Impeccable sources told Zagzola Makama that the ISWAP fighters gunned down 9 terrorists and seized their weapons on March 11, 2024.

On the same day, other groups clashed around Lariski, located south Jabullam in Abadam LGA.

On 12 and 13 March 2024, the ISWAP fighters advanced towards Tumbum Ali in Kukawa LGA blocking every access route of the Boko Haram.

See also  ISWAP Founder's Son Surrenders In Maiduguri 

During the attack, the ISWAP nutrialised the Boko Haram, killing 26 of them, captured 11 of them alive as well as seized their weapons.

During the heavy gun battle, two fishermen cut in a crossfire were killed while two others were abducted by ISWAP.

Zagazola understands that the wali of ISWAP, Abu Musa Almangawi, has issued death sentences to all fighters under Abou Umaymah, aka Bakura Buduma.

Both groups had vowed to more wars against themselves than the government forces.

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