In a daring rescue, vigilantes in Tsafe Local Government Area of Zamfara State thwarted an attempted forced marriage by bandits and saved a teenage girl, Zainab, from a grim fate in Gangara Yamma village.
The dramatic incident unfolded when armed bandits, riding on three motorcycles, invaded the home of Zainab’s father, Ali Yarbugai Gangara Mai Inji. Eyewitnesses reported that the attackers demanded Zainab’s hand in marriage, threatening to kill her father if he refused.
Despite the threats, Ali courageously resisted, leading the bandits to assault him in an attempt to force his compliance. They left him seriously injured but alive before fleeing with Zainab.
Alarmed villagers swiftly alerted the local vigilante group, who wasted no time in organizing a rescue mission. The operatives tracked the assailants to a hideout and engaged them in a fierce gun battle. One of the bandits, identified as the group’s leader and Zainab’s intended “groom,” was neutralized during the exchange. The remaining two bandits escaped, abandoning their motorcycles and other belongings.
The vigilantes safely returned Zainab to her family and handed the recovered motorcycles to authorities in Tsafe for further investigation.
Speaking on the rescue, Zainab’s father expressed his profound gratitude to the vigilantes, saying, “If not for their intervention, we would have been in mourning now.”
This incident highlights the ongoing security challenges in Zamfara State and the critical role of local vigilante groups in protecting