Tungar Kara community in Maradun LGA, Zamfara State, was thrown into mourning yesterday evening after a Nigerian Airforce airstrike mistakenly hit members of the Zamfara Community Protection Guard (ZCPG), vigilantes, and residents. The incident, which claimed at least 20 lives, occurred shortly after bandits raided the area and fled.
Local vigilantes and residents, who had mobilized to defend their community, were caught in the strike. So far, 16 bodies have been retrieved, with the final death toll still uncertain as rescue efforts continue.
The airstrike, intended to target the fleeing bandits, instead devastated the community, leaving a trail of grief and unanswered questions. Tungar Kara residents are now calling for an investigation into the tragic error and support for the affected families.
Authorities are yet to issue an official statement on the incident, but the tragedy underscores the challenges of combating insecurity in Zamfara State.