In a remarkable show of courage and swift action, the Katsina State Police Command foiled a kidnap attempt on Christmas Eve, rescuing 10 victims from the clutches of armed bandits along the Katsina-Magama Jibia Road in Jibia Local Government Area.
The incident occurred at about 8:30 PM on December 24, 2024, when suspected bandits ambushed a commercial vehicle, opening fire in an attempt to abduct its occupants. Acting promptly on a distress call, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) of Jibia led a team of operatives to the scene, engaging the assailants in a fierce gun battle.
Tragedy and Triumph
The heroic intervention thwarted the kidnapping, ensuring the rescue of all 10 victims. However, four of the victims sustained gunshot injuries and were rushed to the hospital. Tragically, two victims later succumbed to their injuries.
Efforts are underway to track down the fleeing bandits as investigations continue.
CP Commends Officers, Urges Public Cooperation
The Commissioner of Police, CP Aliyu Abubakar Musa, commended the officers for their bravery and professionalism, urging them to sustain their dedication to duty. He appealed to the public to assist the police with credible information to combat criminal activities effectively.
This successful operation underscores the commitment of the Katsina State Police Command to safeguarding lives and property during the festive season and beyond.